Detox Facts
Detoxing in the sense that most people misuse the term is not physically possible, according to experts at Harvard medical School. Your body is equipped with it own detoxing system which includes your kidneys, liver and lungs. They scour toxins from your body, process them and eliminate them. No diet or combination of foods can make this process go faster. But, common sense dictates that if you stop putting harmful substances into your body you will give it a chance to clean itself out.
Vitamin C Blend
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. When you breathe or metabolize food, substances called free radicals are released into your system. They are also released when you smoke, or are exposed to environmental toxins like air pollution. Free radicals are thought to cause certain kinds of cancer, and also to contribute to some of the physical difficulties you face as you age. Vitamin C helps your body fight free radicals. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit are high in vitamin C, Apples also contain high levels of vitamin C. Blueberries, blackberries and pomegranates also contain powerful antioxidants, so mix and match them for snacks, desserts or blended into smoothies.
Fiber Blend
Fiber helps fill you up and also aids in healthy elimination. Constipation is one symptom of eating fatty foods that don’t move through your system as they should. Apples contain high amounts of fiber, especially if you eat them raw. Watermelon and cantaloupe contain soluble fiber, which helps keep you feeling full. Soluble fiber also helps lower the levels of low-density lipoproteins in your blood. These are associated with increased risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. Soluble fiber helps remove LDLs from your system, so in that sense they can be considered beneficial to detoxing.
It is not possible to speed up your body’s internal methods of detoxing, nor is it possible to undue weeks or even days of unhealthy eating with a juice fast. But, occasionally drinking nothing but fresh juices and eating whole fruits for one to three days should not harm you and can help you break bad habits. Plan your detox for a quiet time when you don’t have to do much and make sure that you take in enough calories to keep you nourished. Aim for 1,200 calories for men and 1,500 calories for women.
- Linus Pauling Institute: Why Apples Are Healthful
- Harvard Medical School: The Dubious Practice of Detox
- Northwestern University: Are Detox Diets Healthful? Opinions Vary
- University of the Pacific: Popular Diet Reviews
- North Dakota State University: A Bushel of Reasons to Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables
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