While many people spend their time searching for over complicated, impossible to follow diet and training systems the truth is the basic old-school rules still work best when applied to this type of long-term goal.
1) Diet To Build.
2) Stick To Basic Supplements.
3) Structure Your Workouts To Your Goal.
4) The Importance Of Rest.
5) Get Enough Sleep.
Some of these tips seem like common sense. One and three, for example. But we're amazed by how many people do these wrong. For instance. the first tip is about simply dieting to build rather than dieting to cut. Most people who are trying to get bigger don't even look after their diet. They have a false idea that in order to gain size you just have a post-workout protein shake and then eat whatever you like for the rest of the time.
You're trying to build a physique the right way, after all, and there are two ways to get bigger we all know that.
In order to get bigger but also stay lean you have to diet. In the video we reveal how to work out your ideal diet to add lean tissue without storing lots of fat in the process. This simply works and has stood the test of time.
Rule number two is about knowing your supplements. Too often, people are all too quick to take a product without truly knowing what they're actually putting into their body, what it's supposed to be doing for them or why they even need it.
When it comes to bodybuilding supplements it pays to stick to the proven basics. Creatine and whey protein, for example, are both proven and side effect free. Get the rest of your nutrients from your diet, don't over rely on pills and potions.
Tip three is about your time in the gym. If you want to get bigger, you need to train bigger. That doesn't necessarily mean longer, either. Stick to the hardcore basic exercises such as Deadlifts and Pull Ups. These multi-joint exercises are spectacular for building up strength and size.
You also need to take days off from training to maximize your gains. Rest up to size up, that's our motto. There is no point in training every single day and not letting your body to recover.
Sleep is also important, as your body releases it's stores of natural growth hormone during this type. Fail to get enough sleep and you don't let this happen, obviously. Aim for 6-8 hours every night.
So there you have it. We recently gave five tips showing you how to lose weight and keep it off, today we focus on how to build muscle and you'll notice the tips are no more difficult. Apply these to your current training routine and you'll see great returns on each of the steps. - See more at: http://weightresources.blogspot.com/2013/03/how-to-build-lean-muscle-in-no-time.html#sthash.34F6qYDi.dpuf
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