Many people get lost in the sea of information surrounding how to diet and, as a result of all the conflicting information out there, they never fully commit to their quest to drop some unwanted pounds.
There is nothing stopping you from getting results and we are going to show you why it might actually be far easier than you have previously been led to believe.
The steps we will explain here today are not for purchase, they are free. They're backed up with years of scientific research so you know they work and you may well be surprised by their simplicity.
Here are the three fundamental rules to a good diet.
* You must know where to get your calories from.
* To get the most from any diet you should combine it with regular physical activity.
* You need to be able to resist temptation while at work.
So, first of all we're going to show you how to ensure you get not only the right number of calories per day but also that they arrive from the best sources of food. If you do not know how many calories you should be eating to reach your goal weight, try this simple equation. Take your goal body weight in pounds and multiply the figure by 12. See, we told you it was easy!
Celebrity obsessed culture is to blame for our tendency to cut calories far too drastically in a bid to experience quick weight loss. We highly recommend you do not follow that trend, because it encourages yo-yo dieting and actually brings about less results than proper dieting.
The most important factor in your diet is learning how to get the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats each day. If you can do this, you are on the right track to success. A great way to achieve this is to try to have 40% of your total calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates and 20% from fat.
Once that is in place it is time to hit the gym or get another form of exercise. The best form of exercise when it comes to cutting size is anything which elevates your heart rate. You don't need to subscribe to the old formula of endless hours on a treadmill, exercise like high intensity interval training is proven to yield better results and do it in a shorted time.
There are various methods of exercise. You could opt for the traditional equipment such as a treadmill and some resistance training our you could get creative and train outdoors. The choice is yours, it all works.
The third rule teaches you how to avoid temptation. We all love snacks and one of the hardest times to resist the vending machine is while at work. If you haven't got any food prepared it can seem almost impossible. Here's a fact for you. Protein has far less impact on fat storage than either carbohydrates or fats.
So it makes sense to pack a few small protein rich snacks into your satchel before work and use them wisely throughout the day. Not only is it going to keep your diet on track, but it's going to curb your hunger while at your job.
You no longer need to wonder how to lose weight effectively because today's three steps have actually told you the answer. It may have been a lot easier than you thought it was going to be, too. Usually if you ask somebody for advice on how to build muscle you will be met with a bunch of similar over complicated answers, so our next post will focus on that topic for you.
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