Friday, April 12, 2013

“I Just Need to go on a Diet”

No, no you don't—you need to change your palate. Let's look at diets. In the common use of the word, diets are something we do to try and lose weight—cut carbs, only eat meat and nuts, never eating meat. Some of these sound familiar? If you are jumping from diet to diet, you probably know which each of these were called too. So let's look at what you should be doing—and showing you why jumping from diet to diet is actually damaging your metabolism.

Here's what you need to do—change your lifestyle. You have a food palate—what you like and don't like. If I ate a diet of donuts, processed foods, and a high salt diet everyday anything unlike these food will taste like crap. It's works the opposite way too. If I ate apples, organic and unprocessed foods, the next time you put a salty tortilla chip in front of me I'm going to want to puke because it's overloaded on salt.

So why go on a diet? What you need to do is #dealwith it and change your food palate over the next 6 months. I'm not saying go on a month diet, take out a food group, I'm telling you to eat healthy and you're not going to like it for 6 months. What's going to happen is you are going to eat healthy food, not buy fruit loops and instead buy the natural cereal and in 6 months your food palate will have changed. When it's not in your food cabinet, you're not going to eat it. Magically, in 6 months, you will hate salty, crappy bad foods. You know why? Because your food palate will know what is really in all that crap—crap. You will feel better, and. you ready?—will help you lose weight. The hard part about this is it will take mental power, it will take work. It's not for the weak of heart. I guarantee you though, this is the way to go.

Now that I have the healthy way listed above, when you jump from diet to diet you are damaging your metabolism. What happens if I took a highly modeled running car and withheld from it some months gas, other months oil, and another coolant. Slowly but surely, I am hurting how the car is going to run. It needs all these components. This is what fad diets do. When you do this to your body, your body is similar. It needs stuff to run and when you take it out completely you are hurting it. Don't jump from diet to diet. When you change your food palate you fix all the problems, it just takes work. As most people say, the things worth having take the most time.

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