Weight loss begins with recognizing when you are actually hungry because most of us are overweight because we overeat. What if one of the main reasons you are not losing weight is because you have forgotten how to be hungry?
Our bodies are physiologically the same as they were before the Neolithic Revolution, or Agricultural Revolution, around 12,000 years ago. We are designed to be hunters and gatherers. Our bodies are not designed to eat as often as we eat in modern day society. This constant availability of food has done us more harm than good. We now eat for pleasure, out of habit, and emotionally rather than for survival or because we need to. Just because we have been taught to eat at lunchtime, we eat at lunchtime. But, are we actually hungry?
This brings up an interesting comparison between when we think we are hungry and when we are actually hungry; superficial hunger versus physical hunger.
- of how we feel emotionally – are we stressed, upset or bored,
- or itis when we eat out of habit ( i.e. three meals a day),
- or itis when we socialize around food; for example afternoon tea with a friend. It is circumstantial; you eat because of the circumstances.
It generally has an "I have to have this or I will be missing out" type of mentality attached to it. It is an urge that appears quickly, almost out-of-the-blue.
Superficial hunger can also mean you crave certain foods i.e. "An apple just won't do! It must be that chocolate chip cookie!" It often means that you can really overeat and you cannot recognize that you are full. It can also create negative feelings such as guilt, shame, anxiety and self-loathing.
Physical hunger is when we eat because chemical reactions within the body have created a physical need to eat. Our body has this wonderful inbuilt mechanism of telling us when we require fuel and nourishment. This type of hunger is gradual. It grows slowly in intensity over time. It is a progression of clues that it is time to eat such asyour stomach may grumble, you may have difficulty concentrating or a slight headache, andyou may feel lightheaded, fatigued, shaky or irritable.
Physical hunger is patient; there is no urgency to eat, and you are open to healthier and varied food options.You can recognize that you are full and you have a sense of satisfaction not guilt, shameetc.The more in tune you become to physical hunger the easier it will be to pick when it begins.
A useful tactic to use when differentiating between superficial hunger and physical hunger is to actually ask yourself, "Am I hungry?" If you are not sure then hold off eating for a while. Does the urge to eat pass or does it grow in intensity? If it passes then you were superficially hungry. If it grows in intensity then you are physically hungry. If you're still not sure then again wait a while. Remember, physical hunger is not in a rush for you to eat.
Weight loss does not have one solution but being able to identify physical hunger from superficial hunger significantly reduces the incidence of overeating. This makes the rest of the weight loss journey easier.
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