Saturday, October 27, 2012

Good Nutrition and Convenience Can Go Hand-In-Hand

Good Nutrition and Convenience Can Go Hand-In-HandFocus on good nutrition while making use of pre-prepared foods and you’ll find that healthy eating is easy.
One of the biggest complaints people have about eating healthily is the perception that it requires more hours in the kitchen to prepare nutritious meals.  But there are so many convenience items available now that preparing healthy meals is a snap.
For protein, you can buy fish or poultry that’s already seasoned and ready for quick grilling or frozen pre-cooked shrimp that can be tossed with some pasta and veggies for a quick dish.  And don’t overlook canned tuna, salmon or chicken breast that can be added to salad greens, rice dishes or soups.
You can also boost the nutritional value of condensed soups by mixing them with nonfat milk or soy milk instead of water.  As the soup is heating, toss in some frozen mixed vegetables, or some loose pack spinach to add nutrition, flavor and bulk.  Frozen-loose pack vegetables allow you to use only what you need and are ready to eat in minutes.
Salad preparation can also be quick thanks to pre-washed salad greens, all sorts of pre-sliced and chopped veggies and baby carrots.  Add a splash of lowfat bottled dressing and some pre-cooked chicken or shrimp and you’ve got a quick and healthy meal.
Fresh, pre-washed and cut veggies are available in the produce section, and if your market has a salad bar you can often find them there, too.  Pop them in the steamer, toss with some pre-chopped garlic or onions when they’re crisp/tender, and you’ve got a gourmet dish in minutes.

How to lose that belly fat

How to get rid of belly fat - breaking down the fat loss mythMany people find that they have problem areas where they just cannot get fat to budge.  Hand’s up if you’re one of the millions who find themselves with a stubborn layer of fat around their waist?
It’s frustrating that, although you may be making an effort with your diet and trying to exercise more, sometimes it feels impossible to reduce fat around your belly. With an active lifestyle there are several steps you can take to help you become or remain trim all over.

Breaking down the fat loss myth

I’m sorry to say that there is no such thing as spot reduction, we just don’t get to choose where our body stores fat and we can’t remove it from particular places when we decide we don’t want it.  It’s a disheartening fact but hundreds of sit-ups and stomach crunches on their own won’t immediately help you lose that spare tire. The good news is that with diet and exercise together, you can burn your excess fat and by following my  three belly fat busting tips that spare tire will soon deflate.

Three simple tips to help you reduce the appearance of belly fat

Here are my three go-to belly busters that help keep me stress free and in control of my figure.
Belly buster tip 1:  Make time to be active
Although you can’t spot reduce and only target a flabby tummy, you shouldn’t discount the benefits of general exercise.  If you can find time for a physical activity every day, then you’ll soon find yourself firming up all over.
I know you’ve heard it before but being active and becoming physically fit is also wonderful way to cut through the stress in your life.  Spending time exercising can give you a time out and help you reprioritize.   Even better, the time you spend exercising is time when you can’t be eating!
Belly buster tip 2:  Take a deep breath
Practice conscious breathing by inhaling through your nose and letting the air expand into your tummy, then breathe out through your mouth. Stopping work and taking 5-10 conscious breaths can calm your mind and give you a rejuvenating time out. Don’t let stress creep up and leave you feeling frazzled by the end of the day, that way may lead to comfort eating.  Try this breathing technique as often as  you remember (you may even want to stick up a post-it note to yourself).  Take the time to think about your body and how you want it to look.  This mindful technique may help you avoid a donut or re-prioritize a trip to the gym.
Belly buster tip 3:  Pull your shoulders back and your tummy in
Schedule a stretching break instead of a coffee break. You can do simple stretches and exercises from the comfort of your office chair or while you’re on the phone.  Try pulling in your tummy when your sitting or standing for 30 seconds at a time and you’ll be strengthening your core stomach muscles. And, if you have a minute, then take a moment to stand up straight, pull your shoulders back and walk tall. Improving your posture can help make you feel more alert and in better shape.
Although there are no quick-fix solutions, you’ll instantly feel better if you begin to exercise, take control of your figure and make the time to think about you.  Whatever your problem area – be it a wobbly belly, thunder thighs or a double chin – with a consistent exercise routine and patience you can improve your physique.

Best butt toning exercises

Best butt exercises -  Samantha Clayton's athlete secrets from HerbalifeBody parts fade in and out of fashion.  Sometimes it feels like everyone is searching for the secrets for a curvy butt, Madonna-like arms or 6-pack abs.  This week, I’ll share my secrets for looking great from behind in no time!
I can still remember the time in the late ‘90s when women’s magazines announced that having a big butt was a good thing. I was in my teens and had never even thought about how my body looked because to me, as an athlete, my body was my vehicle. I had muscles upon muscles and my posterior chain was rock solid but, thanks to Jennifer Lopez, I suddenly felt that I didn’t just look like a boyish athlete! I had a quality that was associated with being feminine, sexy and, to my mind, awesome.  Through a summer media craze based on one woman’s derriere, I suddenly received a huge confidence boost.
It’s amazing how the media continues to play a huge role in the way we think about our bodies.  As a runner, a strong physique came with the job description, not to mention my genetic predisposition from my parents. I sure hope it’s a fashion statement that will last because my children are already showing signs of having sprinter-shaped bodies.
I’m not saying that a big butt makes anyone more or less attractive overall but I do think that it’s important to have strong set of muscles behind you.  Add in the confidence boosting benefits of a firm butt and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t make sure a saggy bottom is never part of your life.

What’s the best way to tone up your butt? 

As a trainer I’m often asked: “How do I get a good butt?” and my answer is generally the same every time. I have to be honest and say that genetics play a huge role, however body builders are the living proof that quality exercise and nutrition can enhance any muscle group. A strong ‘gluteus maximus’ and ‘gluteus minimus’ – the training terms for your rear end – can be achieved through a combination of strength training and a good sprint program.

Butt toning tip 1 – Run your way to a great booty

Not surprisingly, I recommend running – it will help burn off excess flab while also building up your muscles.
Sprinting is essentially the weight lifting of running especially when you throw hill running into the mix because your posterior chain muscles – including your calves, hamstrings and glutes – generate a lot of the power that is required when sprinting.
Try adding one or two 30-minute sprinting sessions into your workout week. Sprinting for 20 seconds then resting for 60 seconds is my personal favorite. Remember to build up to it though. You must walk before you can run, so only up your speed as and whenyour body feels ready.

Butt toning tip 2 – Make squats work for you

Squats, squats, squats – you can never do too many squats.
Squats will work your butt muscles and putting the effort into a repetitive squat routine will get your booty in shape in no time.  I recommend variety, so try a combination of squats.  Options include a basic squat with no weights, then try adding weights, a jump, or speed variations.  You could even work your way up to split squats and one-legged squats.
There are many variations to this amazing exercise so, no matter if you are new to exercising or a seasoned professional, find the types of squat that are most comfortable for your body and add them into your fitness routine three days a week.

A great butt is not the be all and end all

By adding these exercises into your weekly routine you’ll be working your glutes and building a firm butt, but don’t forget that burning calories and being active are a great reward too.
When it comes to your body, health and wellness, we have to put jokes, vanity and the media aside. Remember that the visible benefits that come from working out are just an added bonus – it is the internal change and the improvement of your overall wellness that is of ultimate importance.
True beauty always comes from the inside.

Nutrition & fitness experts

Discover Good Nutrition & Fitness is sponsored and edited by Herbalife International of America, Inc. The primary authors of this nutrition and fitness blog are Samantha Clayton and Susan Bowerman.

Nutrition expert Susan Bowerman

Nutrition expert Susan Bowerman :: www.DiscoverGoodNutritionSusan is a registered dietitian and a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics.  Susan majored in biology at the University of Colorado, and received her master’s degree in food science and nutrition from Colorado State University.
During her clinical training, Susan taught extensively and developed educational programs targeted to individuals, groups and industry in areas of health promotion and self-care, women’s health, cardiac health and weight management. Susan’s wide-ranging expertise in areas such as weight management, sports nutrition, food safety, cooking, consumer education and complementary medicine has been sought by celebrities, athletes, restaurateurs and writers.
For many years, Susan had a successful private practice in Beverly Hills, California. Susan was also a contributing columnist for the Los Angeles Times’ ‘Health’ section for two years, and wrote the menu plans and recipes for “What Color is Your Diet?” and “The L.A. Shape Diet” by Dr. David Heber, published by Harper Collins in 2001 and 2004, respectively.

Fitness expert Samantha Clayton

Samantha Clayton, former competitive sprinter and fitness expertSamantha is a former competitive sprinter and a fitness expert.  Married with four young kids, Samantha understands how difficult it can be to make fitness a priority but it’s her passion to reawaken everyone’s urge to exercise.
Samantha has raced for her country and specialized in the 200-meter sprint and the 100-meter relay.   More recently, she ran her own gym and helped people build their confidence, and their muscles, through exercise.
With AFAA and ISSA certifications under her belt and a love of science that she honed while completing her Applied Chemistry degree, Samantha understands how the human body works and how little changes can make a big difference. Follow Samantha’s blog posts for tips and advice about how you can enhance your lifestyle by becoming fitter and happier.
With an effervescent personality, Samantha makes fitness an achievable goal for everybody whether they’re already a regular gym-goer or happy sitting on the sofa.

What’s the best diet for me?

What's the best diet for me? - DiscoverGoodNutrition from HerbalifeThe best diet is the one that works best with your lifestyle, your budget, your food preferences and how much effort you’re willing to give.
One of the more entertaining aspects of my work is that whenever I meet a new weight loss client, I never know where the conversation will lead.  Usually, I’ll start by getting some history – I want to know what’s the most and the least they’ve ever weighed, what motivates them to eat better and get into shape, and also what’s worked for them in the past and what hasn’t – that sort of thing.  From there, I can start to get a sense for how much effort each particular patient is willing to put forth, and what their expectations are.  And then we come up with a plan. But I can’t just tell someone what they need to do – I need to help them figure out how they’re going to do it, too.  And we work together to figure out what’s going to work best for them.

Does one size fit all?

When it comes down to it, there’s no “one size fits all” diet plan.  Everyone is different, and I need to take into account not just a person’s food likes and dislikes – I also need to know what their day is like, if they like to cook or not, if the cost of food is an issue, what time they exercise, how often they eat out (and where)  – there are a whole host of factors that I have to consider before I can give someone meaningful advice.

Should you take on a lot at once?

And then I have to consider what my clients want – or think they want.  Some people prefer a fairly strict approach – often, in fact, deciding to tackle a lot at once.  I’ve had plenty of clients who’ve decided to simultaneously attempt to lose weight, start exercising and quit smoking.  It’s a lot to take on, but it canwork.  Maybe it’s the idea of  ‘wiping the slate clean’ and making a truly fresh start – sort of a “today is the first day of the rest of your life” attitude.  And sometimes when you’re working on one thing, it can reinforce the other changes you’re trying to make – as in, “if I’m going to exercise, it doesn’t make much sense to keep smoking”.
But when taking on too much doesn’t work, it’s usually because the process becomes overwhelming – there are just too many changes involved and too many adjustments to be made.  And then, people tend to simply give up – and nothing gets accomplished.

Or are you one to take things more slowly?

On the other hand, there are those who take a more cautious approach – they like to dip their toes into the water, and see what feels right.  They might make a few changes to set them on the right course, get those pretty well established into their daily life, and then move on to make a few more.  Slowly, over time, they accumulate a pretty impressive list of diet and lifestyle changes – and since they’ve given themselves a chance to let them settle in, they’re usually in pretty good shape to continue.

Figuring out what works for YOU will help you build a healthy diet and lifestyle plan

The point is this – there are plenty of paths that lead to the same destination.  Some are short and direct, others might meander a bit – and neither one is necessarily better than the other.
Just as I do with my clients, you need to think about what you realistically can do.  If you hate cooking or just don’t have the time, does it make sense to adopt a diet that requires you to home-cook every meal?  If you can’t remember the last time you ate a fruit or a vegetable, is it realistic to think that you’ll suddenly start eating seven servings a day?  Maybe not.
But remember this.  The way you choose to eat, the amount of activity you get, the lifestyle choices you make are yours – you own them.  And you also need to accept that the results you get will be a direct reflection of how much effort you put forth.  The harder you work at it, the better the results.  But that doesn’t mean that slow and steady can’t win the race, too.  Because the best diet isn’t the one someone else tells you to follow – the best diet is the one that works for you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Be happier: 4 life-changing reasons to get active

There are literally hundreds of reasons why being active is beneficial.  Exercise is good for your body, your mind and for your social life.
Here are four reasons that I believe will inspire you to get up and get healthy. Once you’ve read through, I know you’ll join me and become a happier, healthier you.

1.  Reduced stress

Most of our lives are filled with stress of some sort, whether it’s lack of time, financial struggles, difficult work deadlines or simply trying to herd your children to school.
Stress can lead to weight gain and make losing weight more difficult, so finding time for activity has never been so important.
Stress also often causes over-eating and this can lead to weight gain, in turn this can increase your stress and then the cycle repeats.
Even I have succumbed to stress and hidden out in my pantry (where I keep the cookies!) during times of high pressure.  Knowing that this wasn’t the best reaction, I took time out and realized that I needed to do something that would help me cope with the stresses of my life.  I found that adding an activity to my day allowed me to re-group and focus on myself and this helped me to reduce anxiety and stress.

2. Feel more productive in work and life

I always used to think that in school we had recess to give the teacher five minutes of peace but the real reason is much more interesting. Studies have found that after activity our brains are more active and this makes it easier for us to learn and retain information. (I’ve tested this philosophy on my own children and it definitely works for them.)
You may not be in school any more, but taking a brief recess for activity, especially when you feel drained, may improve your focus and make you more productive. Feeling that you’re more productive is a great way to beat stress!

3. Positive lifestyle attracts positive people

When you make a conscious effort to improve yourself through becoming more active, your confidence gets a boost.  Even better, your new positive approach can convince those around you to also make a positive change.  This is especially true if you decide to take a class or join a fit club.
Who knew that by improving yourself you¹d have the potential to improve others too?

4. Increase your happiness

Who doesn’t want to be happier? Being active promotes the release of endorphins in your body similar to those that are released when we eat foods such as chocolate.  I’d much rather get my happy endorphins from activity because it¹s long lasting.  When you eat unbalanced sugary delights, your happy vibe is short lived and is quickly followed by a not-so-happy energy drop.
What goes up must come down and if you constantly spike your blood sugar in this way, you¹ll find it hard to balance your mood. Instead, try involving yourself in a healthy activity as this may make you happier because you¹ll have more energy and your mood will be stable.
Activity really is good for everyone.  Think of these four life-changing benefits of exercise as routes to happiness. Less stress makes you happier, being alert and more productive makes you happier and happy people attract positive happy people.
Happily, I think that promoting an active lifestyle will eventually make the world happier, healthier place.

The truth about an active lifestyle

The truth about an active lifestyle, Samantha Clayton, Discover Good FitnessSo often when people hear the term ‘active’ it brings on a feeling of dread!
People imagine having to dedicate hours to insane workouts or worse, they might think of extreme sports that they’d hate like, perhaps, skateboarding and skydiving. I think this is because the term ‘active’ can have so many meanings.  We hear the word being used in commercials with a visual of a man diving off a building and the tag line “Activemen use this deodorant” and it sets an expectation about what ‘active’ really means.
Some people think you have to be skinny to be active. Again this is because the media often uses the term ‘active’ while showing incredibly toned bodies with 6 pack abs. Subconsciously, this can make us associate an active lifestyle with too much hard work and danger. So if you, like so many others, find yourself saying “I’m not cut out for this active lifestyle thing” let me try and change your mind.
The perils of our modern lifestyle
The modern world of technology and advanced transport has changed the way we live. We often spend far too much time sitting at a desk staring at a screen. And, it’s a sign of the times that many people go straight from front door, to car, to parking lot.  Then they ride the elevator up to their offices, often with no fresh air in between leaving the house and arriving in the office.
Being active doesn’t take much; adding a walk around the block or even to a colleague’s desk can at least get you up and out of your chair.  I always like see how people mix up their commutes by adding a walk, climbing the stairs or even cycling if they’re feeling courageous.
Talking of bikes, have you seen the ’push bikes’ that now have engines on the back?  Or the little motorized scooters?  I bet that no one dreamed how popular these would become back in the 1990s…
Technology is wonderful but it has made us a little lazy. Just because you can sit on a bike and let it propel you to your destination, it may not be the best choice for your body especially if you want to stay healthy.

Find your own ‘active’
Find your own ‘active’, Samantha Clayton, Discover Good FitnessThe truth is that if you are not sleeping or sitting still, than you are being active.  Even fidgeting counts as activity and helps you burn calories!
Finding the level of activity that is right for your body is the best piece of advice I can give you.  Increasing your activity level can be as simple as taking a midday stroll or as dramatic as training for a marathon. Once you make a commitment to increasing your activity level, guess what? Every few weeks your body will adapt and you may be inspired to take it to the next level.
In my world the meaning of ‘active’ changes every day.  Some days it’s riding real bikes around the yard with my kids and other days it’s an extreme mountain trail adventure… Both are active, both are enjoyable and both are fun!
Getting on the activity ladder is often the biggest step of all, but now that you know that being active does not have to mean skydiving and high intensity workouts, you may be ready to start climbing up your ladder to a more active life.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why men must pay attention to body fat

Why men must pay attention to body fat - Discover Good Nutrition from HerbalifeThe old saying that “men are from Mars and women are from Venus” seems to apply when it comes to nutrition. So, men: don’t let body fat be your downfall – this is the diet makeover you need.
While women tend to fret about their weight and pore over food labels, men often have a more relaxed attitude when it comes to their diets.  Maybe it’s because most guys burn through calories a lot faster than women that they figure they can get away with eating whatever they want without gaining weight.  The male assumption seems to be that as long as their weight is in check, they really don’t have to give much thought to what they put in their mouths.
But men – please listen up.  Body weight is only a part of the picture of health.  How much body fat you have, and where that fat settles on your frame, along with the overall quality of your diet all contribute to your well being.
Do you look thin(ish) but in reality you have too much body fat?
Let’s say you don’t do much exercise, but your weight is reasonable.  Don’t let that fool you – you could still be carrying around way too much body fat.  And while excess body fat is a concern for everyone, guys are more likely to carry that excess weight around the middle – which is much more damaging to health than the fat that women tend to accumulate on their hips and thighs.
So keeping your body weight down is key– but you need to do it the right way.  Simply eating less only works when the nutritional quality of your diet is above par.  Eating less of a lousy diet may cut calories, but you’ll still be selling yourself short on nutrition. Instead, you want to pack the most nutrition you can into each bite by keeping your focus on the healthy items – vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains.
You should place an emphasis on heart-healthy foods, too.  If most of your carb calories are coming from chips and soda, look instead to foods like oats, beans, berries, plums, broccoli and carrots – they’re great sources of soluble fiber and can help to help keep cholesterol levels in check. And seafood – low in fat and calories, yet rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids – should be on your menu as often as possible.
You have to make your health a priority
One of the biggest barriers to taking care of yourself is time – you may find yourself so busy that it becomes too easy to skip meals or grab something on-the-go.  But skipping meals usually backfires, and you just wind up overeating at your next meal.  And if you don’t make the time to exercise, you’ll gain more belly fat and your sleep will likely suffer, too.  Then, you might find yourself turning to sugary foods and drinks to boost your flagging energy – which just puts more weight on you, and the cycle continues.
If you’re breakfast skipper, set a goal of having a healthy meal a few mornings a week.  If you don’t have time to sit down for breakfast, grab a carton of yogurt and a piece of fruit, or whip up a protein shake with some low fat milk and fruit then take it with you. If you tend to grab meals on the run during the day, think about packing your lunch a couple of days a week or preparing a home-cooked meal once or twice a week – it will give you a lot more control over what you eat … and how much.
Lastly, try writing down what you eat for a couple of days.  It’s the best way to come face-to-face with your eating habits – for better or for worse.  There’s nothing quite like a good hard look at the skipped meals, the salty snacks or a severe shortage of fruits and vegetables to spark a diet makeover.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Meet your goals: 4 tips to make you healthier, happier & more productive

4 tips to make you healthier, happier and more productiveHere are my top four tips to help you decide on positive goals that will push you to become healthier and more productive.  If you read my post on thinking like an athlete then you’ll know that being focused can help you think more clearly and meet your personal goals.
This way of thinking has worked for me and I’ve never looked back. My mantra for challenges in life is ‘when in doubt, think like an athlete‘. So, whether you need to exercise more or you want to up your game in life, you may benefit from my helpful insider tips. My tips are written toward improving your health and fitness but you can apply them to any goal you can imagine.

1.  Ask yourself WHY? And then write it down.

Be honest with yourself about why you want to improve. In my experience, once you put it down on paper it becomes real.
-  Do you need to get fit? Why?
-  Do you need an energy boost? Why?
-  Do you have extra pounds to lose? Why?
-  Or, do you want to compete at a higher level? Why?
The reason you give will help you understand HOW you can best meet your goal.  For example, if you put down that you need to get fit because you want to have more energy to play with your kids, then it makes sense to build up your activity levels by involving your children.  You could race with them or work out on the sidelines while they’re absorbed in an activity they love.  That way you’re meeting your goal of becoming fit and doing something that will make you happier.

2.   Set a GOAL and make a plan.

Many people find that once they have a specific goal to strive toward, it motivates them to get started.  Begin with something achievable and make sure your goal is tangible.  Deciding to ‘get fit’ is pretty abstract, so try to quantify what you want to do.  Maybe you want to walk outside for at least 10 minutes every day or you want to be fit enough to take part in a 5k jog in three months time… Think about whatyou can and what you will do to become more active.

3.  SHARE your goal.

Tell people about your goal and they can help you stay on track. If you share your plans with a loved one, friend or co-worker, they can help you by holding you accountable. Making a verbal commitment can also help boost your motivation.  Once you have verbally made a commitment to improve yourself, the added pressure of someone asking you about it, may push you to succeed. This will help motivate you on the days you are tired or trying to find an excuse to quit.

 4. PLAN for success instead of failure.

Don’t self-sabotage.  If you hate running, then putting running into your plan will sabotage your efforts before you even start. Yes, running is good for you but if it brings back terrible memories of childhood gym class or cross-country races then chances are you’ll suddenly find an old closet to clean out instead!
Make a smart plan by picking an activity you enjoy.  With so many physical activities to choose from, I’m sure you’ll find something that you can look forward to each week.
Find your WHY, write your GOALSHARE your goal, make a PLAN, and head toward success in all that you do.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

5 diet tips to keep your energy levels up all day long

5 diet tips to keep your energy level up all day from Susan BowermanWhen’s your energy peak?  Do you wake up raring to go, only to find your energy level flagging by the middle of the afternoon?  Is it slow going for you in the morning, but you’re fired up after lunch? Or do you come alive after 5pm?
We all have our natural rhythms, so it may be asking a lot to expect to have boundless energy all day long – but if you feel like you would prefer to have more energy throughout the day, then read on. What you eat, and when, can have a big influence on your physical and mental energy.

Diet tip – Don’t skip meals or your energy level will dip

This is hardly news, but so many people skip meals for one reason or another that it’s worth repeating.  Your body relies on a ready source of energy to keep it going.  When you eat well-balanced meals and snacks at regular intervals throughout the day, you can keep your blood sugar level on a relatively even keel.  But when you skip meals, your blood sugar can take a nose dive, and your energy level plummets, too.  Getting properly fueled is really important in the morning – since you haven’t eaten since the night before, you need the energy that a proper breakfast will provide.  And be sure to have a ‘power snack’ in the afternoon, too, to carry you through the long stretch between lunch and dinner.

Diet tip – Be like Goldilocks: meals need to be ‘just right’

Meals size really matters because meals that are too large or too small can sap your energy.  If you don’t eat enough, you just won’t have enough fuel to hold you until your next meal or snack.  And when you eat a really big meal, your body has to spend a lot of energy just to process it, which can leave you feeling lethargic.  Plan your meals and snacks so that you eat just enough to leave you satisfied – not stuffed.  If you’re eating every few hours, you don’t need huge meals.

Diet tip – Make sure you’re eating enough protein

Protein does more than help you build and maintain your muscles – it makes meals more satisfying and helps keep you mentally alert, too.  I like to think that protein keeps you peppy – feeling ready to tackle anything.  Protein foods help boost the production of certain brain chemicals that help you think clearly and concentrate.  And, since protein foods also help to fill you up, your meals will be more satisfying – keeping you energized throughout your day.

Diet tip – Drink often enough that you don’t ever feel thirsty

You wouldn’t drive your car across the desert without making sure your cooling system was working properly, would you?  Well, your body’s engine won’t work very well, either, if you don’t keep your fluid tank topped off. Your system relies on adequate fluids to keep running in top form so, drink often and – if you live in a hot climate or you’re active – try to keep a drink handy. Dehydration can make you tired, and your ability to think clearly and to concentrate can be affected, too.  Water, coffee, tea, or sports drinks can all be used to help you meet needs.  And, try a bit of peppermint in your beverage – its energizing aroma can give you a little mental lift.

Diet tip – Balance out your meals for ongoing energy

Balanced meals and snacks help provide sustained energy to keep you going.  Proteins, carbs and fats are digested at different rates, so meals that have a balance of these nutrients will give you more staying power than those that don’t. Your protein shake with fruit keeps you going because you get some quick energy from the fruit, and long lasting energy from the protein powder and milk. On the other hand, if you eat an all-carb breakfast (like toast, jam and fruit) everything will get digested at pretty much the same rate – and pretty quickly too.  Without some protein to keep you going, you’ll find your energy dipping in no time.

Friday, October 12, 2012

About Herbalife Products.

About Herbalife Ltd.

Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) is a global network marketing company that sells weight-management, nutrition, and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle. Herbalife products are sold in 84 countries through a network of approximately 2.5 million independent distributors. Herbalife community involvement making a difference by providing good nutrition to kids in need through our Casa Herbalife program. Herbalife Independent Distributors and Herbalife employees play an active role in communities around the world.

Why You Should Consider Eating The Herbalife Products

Below is an extract from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Department of Health and Human services.
Since the mid-seventies, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased sharply for both adults and children. Data from two NHANES surveys show that among adults aged 20–74 years the prevalence of obesity increased from 15.0% (in the 1976–1980 survey) to 32.9% (in the 2003–2004 survey).

The two surveys also show increases in overweight among children and teens. For children aged 2–5 years, the prevalence of overweight increased from 5.0% to 13.9%; for those aged 6–11 years, prevalence increased from 6.5% to 18.8%; and for those aged 12–19 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 17.4%.
These increasing rates raise concern because of their implications for Americans’ health. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including the following:
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
  • Some cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
  • Overweight and obesity are also symptoms of, poor eating and lifestyle habits, poor nutrition and vitamin-deficient diet.

    What Makes Herbalife Different From Other Companies?

    Herbalife believes in simplifying good nutrition, making improved health, weight management and enhanced personal care easy to understand and available to everyone for a lifetime. Herbalife Independent Distributors can customize a program just for you to make it easy to achieve your wellness goals. Plus, Herbalife is the only company with Cellular Nutrition technology for your maximum benefit.

    Welcome To Herbalife

    Herbalife protein shakes and snacks, vitamins and dietary supplements, energy and fitness drinks, skin and hair care products, combined with healthy eating and exercise, can help you lead a healthy, active life.
    The Herbalife weight control program is designed to keep hunger at bay and help you achieve outstanding results.
    It doesn't leave you feeling food deprived but rather food satisfied!

    Protein Snacks
    By David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N.
    Chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition and Scientific Advisory Boards

    It is well established that the typical person eating a western type diet consumes more daily calories than he
    needs. High-calorie snacks filled with fats and sugars contribute to these extra calories. Protein packed bars,
    drinks, soups, and nuts are far superior to other snacks because of the inherent differences between protein and
    sugars and fats.

    First off, protein is more satisfying than the other two macronutrients because of specific signals it sends to the
    brain. When we snack on protein instead of sugars and fats, the body feels more full which helps people control
    their appetite between meals, thus cutting calories and controlling their weight. Recent clinical research has
    supported this physiologic phenomenon.

    A second reason for choosing protein as a snack is its thermogenic effect. This refers to the metabolic tax a food
    puts on the body after we eat it. This metabolic tax for protein is much higher than sugar or fat because the body
    uses more energy to digest it. This means that when you choose protein over the other two, you are burning more
    calories during the process of digestion. Having this higher tax rate is good because protein tends to be low in
    caloric content, so the body is working harder on fewer calories.

    A third reason to choose protein snacks over sugars and fats is the body's need to replenish the building blocks of
    muscle tissue. Muscle is important for our daily activities and it determines our metabolism. So the more we
    maintain our healthy lean muscle mass, the higher we maintain metabolism.

    So the next time you reach for a snack, choose a protein-rich bar, drink, or soup. Avoid high-calorie chips, cookies,
    candies and sweets. They are generally much higher in calories, and they offer little nutritional value to the body.