Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nutrition & fitness experts

Discover Good Nutrition & Fitness is sponsored and edited by Herbalife International of America, Inc. The primary authors of this nutrition and fitness blog are Samantha Clayton and Susan Bowerman.

Nutrition expert Susan Bowerman

Nutrition expert Susan Bowerman :: www.DiscoverGoodNutritionSusan is a registered dietitian and a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics.  Susan majored in biology at the University of Colorado, and received her master’s degree in food science and nutrition from Colorado State University.
During her clinical training, Susan taught extensively and developed educational programs targeted to individuals, groups and industry in areas of health promotion and self-care, women’s health, cardiac health and weight management. Susan’s wide-ranging expertise in areas such as weight management, sports nutrition, food safety, cooking, consumer education and complementary medicine has been sought by celebrities, athletes, restaurateurs and writers.
For many years, Susan had a successful private practice in Beverly Hills, California. Susan was also a contributing columnist for the Los Angeles Times’ ‘Health’ section for two years, and wrote the menu plans and recipes for “What Color is Your Diet?” and “The L.A. Shape Diet” by Dr. David Heber, published by Harper Collins in 2001 and 2004, respectively.

Fitness expert Samantha Clayton

Samantha Clayton, former competitive sprinter and fitness expertSamantha is a former competitive sprinter and a fitness expert.  Married with four young kids, Samantha understands how difficult it can be to make fitness a priority but it’s her passion to reawaken everyone’s urge to exercise.
Samantha has raced for her country and specialized in the 200-meter sprint and the 100-meter relay.   More recently, she ran her own gym and helped people build their confidence, and their muscles, through exercise.
With AFAA and ISSA certifications under her belt and a love of science that she honed while completing her Applied Chemistry degree, Samantha understands how the human body works and how little changes can make a big difference. Follow Samantha’s blog posts for tips and advice about how you can enhance your lifestyle by becoming fitter and happier.
With an effervescent personality, Samantha makes fitness an achievable goal for everybody whether they’re already a regular gym-goer or happy sitting on the sofa.

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