Sunday, May 11, 2014

5 Ways to Burn More Body Fat

Question: I would prefer to avoid all conventional cardio training if possible. What lifting exercises can I do that more or less mimic cardio?

As long as you're not training for an endurance sport, it's more than feasible to replace traditional cardio with lifting. However, the exercises you choose, while important, are not the main factor in determining the cardiovascular training effect; the key is how you perform them. Follow these guidelines to turn your lifting program into a fat-burning frenzy.

Use Basic, Multijoint Exercises

Use squats, deadlifts, bench presses and bent-over rows to involve as much muscle mass as possible. Some non-traditional exercises used by strongman competitors, like the tire flip and farmers walk, are other great options.

Train Circuit Style

Alternate upper and lower body exercises to spread the fatigue to your entire body. Minimize rest between sets to keep your heart rate up and to force your body to switch from using the anaerobic energy system, which normally supplies energy for lifting, to the aerobic system.

Circuits Need to Last 2-5 Minutes

It takes two minutes for the aerobic system to kick in, so sets need to last at least that long. Use 6-8 exercises for 10 reps each with a controlled, even tempo. Each set should last about 45 seconds. At the end of the circuit, take a 2-3 minute rest; this will make the workout similar to interval training on the treadmill or bike. You will need 20-30 minutes of work time to see cardiovascular benefits, which translates into 6-10 circuits, three times per week

Reduce Weight 

Use lighter weight than you normally would when lifting for strength or mass in traditional fashion. And don't go to failure on each set, as this causes too much fatigue and likely won't allow you to complete the circuit. Choose a weight that will leave you 2-3 reps short of failure. You'll be able to gain strength and size with this rep range once your endurance and cardiovascular fitness improve.

Get Your Priorities Straight

If developing strength and size are your chief objectives (as opposed to burning fat), this style of training is probably not the best option for you. Straight sets are far more effective for those goals.
Cardio By Design

Style                 Full-body circuit
Circuits         6-10
Exercises per circuit 6-8
Reps per set         10
Frequency         3 times per week
Exercises         Multijoint exercises


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